Anonymous Forms

Anonymous forms are excellent for surveys, polls, or feedback forms. They differ from regular forms in a few ways:

  • Anonymous forms are not saved before they are submitted, so there is no way to resume an existing form.
  • Anonymous forms do not have a sign in page. Their URL will lead straight to the form page.
  • As you would expect, anonymous forms are not associated with a client record.
  • Anonymous forms will not show up in the homepage dashboard, to view them navigate to "Lists > Intakes".
  • Anonymous forms don't support the following question types: Attachment, Signature and Drawing Question.
  • Anonymous forms don't support consent forms.

How to Make a Form Anonymous

To make a form anonymous, simply open the form, click on "... > Get URL", enable public access, and check the option "Enable Anonymous Submissions".

Then just copy the URL and share it with whoever you want to fill out the form. Note that you can still use the same form in a non-anonymous way by sending it to a client through IntakeQ.


When using anonymous forms for surveys, make sure to take advantage of multiple choice questions as those can be seen in the Analytics section and will give you a nice report like the one below.


Since anonymous forms are likely to be used for polls and surveys, we expect them to have more submissions than a typical intake form. For this reason, we have decided not to make anonymous submissions count towards your regular monthly limit. Instead, anonymous forms will have its own limit, which is set to 5 times your regular submission limit. For example, if your plan is capped at 200 form submissions, it will have an additional limit of 1000 anonymous submissions per month.

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