Square Credit Card Reader Integration

Notice 1: This feature is only available for users who have the invoicing module enabled. Please contact us if you would like us to enable it for your account.

Notice 2: This integration works only on iOS and Android with the card reader (not the terminal or any other devices). In order to process IntakeQ payments using the Square Reader, you will need to open IntakeQ on the same mobile device where your Square App is installed. 

Square is one of the supported payment methods that IntakeQ offers, and with this integration you are able to make use of their credit card reader to take payments for IntakeQ invoices. The Square Reader is a device that attaches to your phone/tablets headphone port and allows you to scan debit/credit cards in your office. It's an alternative to having a separate "Point of Sale" terminal that processes card transactions.

If you'd like to use this reader to take payments for IntakeQ invoices, you would follow the steps below:

  1. First you'll need to connect your Square account to IntakeQ if you haven't done so yet. To do this navigate to "Bookings > Booking Settings", click on the "Payments" tab, and then on the Square logo. You will then follow the prompts to connect your Square account with IntakeQ.
  2. On this same "Payments" tab you'll see an option that will enable to Square Reader Point of Sale feature (for mobile/desktop), which will add this option to the main navigation bar at the top of the screen.

  3. You will need to ensure that you have the Square app installed on the device you'll be using to process the payment through the Square Reader. You can download this app on your device using the following links: Apple App Store | Google Play
  4. Now you navigate to the "Point of Sale" option in the main navigation bar, which will give you a section to search your clients (mobile view shown below). Find the client you are looking to process a payment on and click on their name.

  5. You will now see a list of unpaid invoices for that specific client, as well as any appointments that don't have invoices created for them yet. You can create a new invoice as well by clicking on the "Create New Invoice" button at the bottom of the list.

  6. Once an invoice is selected or created, you'll be presented with the option to actually process the payment via the Square Reader, or "Other Methods" as needed. If you're swiping a client's debit/credit card, you would click the "Swipe" button and Square would take over to process the card swipe and payment. Once that is done, the transaction will be completed and the invoice will be marked as "paid", just as though you processed the payment via any other means.

That's how you use the Square Reader to process payments for IntakeQ appointments/invoices. The video below shows how quick the process really is.

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