File Management

IntakeQ provides a file management system that allows you to view, upload, and manage files associated with a given client. You can access the file manager by navigating to a client profile and opening the "Files" tab.

Files that have been uploaded by your clients via intake forms or in the client portal become immediately accessible in the "Files" tab. Also, any files that your Practitioners or Assistants upload via intake forms or notes are also automatically added to the "Files" tab.

To upload a file, click on the "Upload Files" button or simply drag and drop files from your computer to the "Files" tab.

The system will only upload 10 files at a time, regardless of how many you select.

Creating Folders

To help organize your files, you can create folders that are applied to all clients under the organization account.

To create a new folder, click on the icon highlighted in the image below. 

Once a folder is created, you can move files into it using drag and drop, or by clicking on the file dropdown menu and choosing the "Move to Folder" option.

Nested Folders

You can create nested folders to keep things organized. From inside a folder, click the "New Folder" button and use a unique descriptive name so you know what's in that folder.

Sharing Files

To share a single or multiple files, click on the check mark button, which allows you to check off the files you're looking to share.

With all proper files checked, click the "Bulk Actions" button and select "Share" to share them with clients or a 3rd party.

Mapping Form Attachments to Folders

In order to automate your file organization, IntakeQ allows you to map an attachment question to a specific folder. This can be used on intake forms or in your own treatment notes.

To map a form question to a folder, open the form template, select the attachment question you want to map and set the folder field to the desired folder.

Disabling the Files Tab

If you want to disable the Files tab in your account, you can do so by navigating to "Lists > Clients >  Profile Settings > Others", and checking the box "Hide Files" tab.


The account admin can use Roles to assign who in the organization has permission to see, upload and manage files.

Storage Limits

Each IntakeQ account has a storage limit. The limit for customers on the low volume plan is 1GB per practitioner. The limit on customers on regular plans is 10GB per practitioner. Additional storage can be purchased for $10 per month for each additional 10GB.

Currently the maximum size per file is 25MB.

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