Automatic Timezone Conversion

Yes, we do. If timezone conversion is enabled, when a client is booking an appointment through your booking widget, they will see your availability in their own timezone. IntakeQ will handle the timezone conversion so you see the appointment time in your own timezone while your clients will see it in theirs (including appointment confirmation and reminders).

To make sure automatic timezone is enabled, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to "Bookings > Booking Settings" and click the "Settings" tab.
  2. Make sure the field "Disable Automatic Timezone Conversion" is not checked.

It's important to note that IntakeQ will detect the client's timezone based on their device settings. If for some reason the client's device clock is not set to the correct timezone, the wrong timezone will be used. This is rare, but we have seen it happen before. For this reason, we always include timezone information in appointment confirmations and reminders.

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