Allow a "Responsible Party" to Complete Forms for Clients

It's common to have an intake form filled out by a parent, guardian or power of attorney. For this reason, we offer support for these scenarios as part of the process. This will make it more clear who is filling out the form and signing the consent forms.

Here’s how it works if you have a form that can be filled out by a responsible party:

  1. Navigate to "My Forms" and open the form you want to apply the changes to.
  2. Click on "... > Settings".
  3. Check the "Can be completed by responsible party" box.

When this setting is on, your clients will be presented with the following dialog box before they start to fill out the form:

If the user is filling out the form on behalf of someone else, IntakeQ will ask for their name:

Now that IntakeQ knows who completed and signed the forms, this information is made explicit where relevant, like in the e-signature stamp, for example.

Note that we don’t ask for the patient/client name, since this is already part of your intake form.

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