Setting User Permissions

IntakeQ and PracticeQ offers a robust and granular way to set user permissions. We use a role-based access control that has a high degree of customization.


Every account comes with 3 default roles: Administrator, Practitioner and Assistant. The Administrator role is the only one that is fixed and cannot be changed. It has access to every resource and can perform any action within the account. The Practitioner and Assistant roles are simply suggestions of roles with the most common settings. They can be changed, deleted and new custom roles can be created.

To manage the account roles, navigate to "More > Team > Roles".

When editing an existing role or creating a new one, you have numerous permissions that can be granted (Some are shown below).

Assigning a Role to a User

To assign a role to a practitioner follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to "More > Team > Practitioners".
  2. Click on "Edit" on a given practitioner row, or create a new practitioner.
  3. In the practitioner popup, select the role from the dropdown list.

Similarly, to assign a role to an assistant:

  1. Navigate to "More > Team > Assistants".
  2. Click on "Edit" on a given assistant row, or create a new assistant.
  3. In the assistant popup, select the role from the dropdown list.

Setting Permissions to Specific Forms

IntakeQ also supports granular access control to client forms. You can indicate which forms a certain role can or cannot access.

As shown in the image above, when a role has access to forms, the advanced option to set permissions per form will be enabled. When clicking on it, the popup below will come up and you will be able to restrict access to certain forms.

In the example above, the role "Biller" will only have access to the Insurance Benefit Verification questionnaire. Note that once a questionnaire is selected, you can also indicate if the access is given to the entire package (which includes the questionnaire and any consent forms included in the package), or to the questionnaire only.

This other example above shows a scenario where a role is given access to all forms, with the exception of a single questionnaire. When a user in this role tries to open a "Weight Loss Female" client form, they will see a message saying that they are not authorized to view this form.

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