Getting Started
In-depth guides to help you get set up and seeing clients!
- Heidi Best Practices
- PracticeQ Changelog
- PQ Support Only: 858-956-3458
- PracticeQ Payments - Card Terminals
- Using the Patient Diagnosis Feature
- Updating DNS Records for Email Delivery
- Optimizing Your Email Deliverability
- ePrescribe: General Info
- Recording Allergies via Questionnaire & Session Note
- Utilizing PracticeQ for Ketamine Administration
- Managing Product Inventory
- Tracking Insurance Payments
- Electronic Claims - TriZetto
- Creating a Claim (CMS 1500 Form)
- Scored Assessments as Questionnaires
- Electronic Claims - Office Ally
- Working with Pay Periods
- PracticeQ Dashboard
- Billing Information Settings
- Zoom Integration