Adding Questionnaire Forms to an Appointment

IntakeQ allows you to set up forms to be sent to a client automatically when they book an appointment through your booking widget. This allows you to automate even more of your process, and each service that you set up can have a different form set up to be sent automatically.

To add a questionnaire to be sent to a client automatically follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to "Bookings > Booking Settings" and select the "Services" tab.
  2. Click "Edit" beside the service you'd like to attach the form to and go to the "Forms" tab.
  3. From the dropdown list, select the form to be sent automatically to the client when this service is booked.
  4. Click "Save" to finalize attaching this intake form to your appointment.

Send form even if client has filled it out before: Checking this box means that the form will be sent each time this type of appointment is booked, regardless of if the client has previously completed this intake form or not. By default it's unchecked, meaning the form will only be sent to clients who haven't completed that intake form in the past.

Adding an Intake Questionnaire to Packages

You can also attach an intake questionnaire to packages by following the same steps as above. The form attached will send out to a client as soon as they book the package, it's not tied to them scheduling an actual service appointment that is included in the package.

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