Practitioner Selection in Your Booking Widget

When a client is self-scheduling a session in your booking widget, you may run into the situation where multiple practitioners offer the same service in the same location. IntakeQ has a setting that allows you to control how the booking widget behaves when that happens. This setting can be configured for the whole account, but can also be overridden for each individual service.

Below is an example of what your client would see in the booking widget/website when prompted to select a practitioner.

To set the account-wide behavior, navigate to "Bookings > Booking Settings > Settings" and look for the field "Widget Practitioner Selection".

To override this setting for a specific service, navigate to "Bookings > Booking Settings > Services", open the desired service, click on the "Overrides" tab and change the "Widget Practitioner Selection" field.

Now let's look at each option individually:

  • Client must select practitioner: This option will make the system present a list of practitioners who offer the selected service and ask them to choose one of the practitioners.
  • Jump to practitioner with earliest availability: This option will make the system skip the practitioner selection page and go straight to the calendar of the practitioner with earliest availability.
  • Client can select practitioner or pick earliest availability: This option is a mix of the first 2 options. It will allow the client to choose a practitioner but it will also allow them to let the system get the one with the earliest availability.
  • Jump to merged availability: This option will make the system skip the practitioner selection page and go straight to a calendar that shows all available times for all the practitioners that offer that service. When more than one practitioner is free at the same time slot, the system will randomly assign the appointment to one of the available practitioners.
  • Client can select practitioner or pick from merged availability: This option is a mix of the last 2 options above. It will allow the client to choose a practitioner but it will also let them see the merged availability for all the practitioners.

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