Customizing the Look of Your Client Portal

IntakeQ offers a portal that gives your clients a login so they can access their intake forms, send secure messages, manage appointments, and more. To enhance the look of this client portal, we have a few style options available to give your portal a custom look.

To access these style options, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the secure portal by clicking the speech bubble icon in the top blue menu bar.
  2. Click on "Settings" in the top right corner.
  3. Click the "Style" tab.

The following options are available for you to customize:

  • Header Title: This is the title that will appear in the top left corner of your client portal. If you also add a logo, the title will appear directly to the right of the logo.
  • Menu Background Color: This option gives you the ability to change the background color of the top and left side menu bars.
  • Menu Font Color: This option allows you to set the font color of menu items and the header title. Be sure to choose a color that will be visible on the color you've selected for the menu background.
  • Logo: This allows you to upload your company logo which will display in the top left corner of the client portal.

Below is an example of a client portal that has been customized with colors and a logo:

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