Update Your Name and/or Email Address

If you'd like to update your name or email address associated with your IntakeQ account, you can do so following the simple steps below:

  1. Login to your IntakeQ account directly, using the "account switching" (yellow name selection box) feature WILL NOT allow you to edit these details of other practitioners in your clinic.
  2. Navigate to "More > Account" to view your personal account details.
  3. You can update the "First Name" and "Last Name" fields as you'd like, show in the screenshot below.
  4. To edit your email address", click "Change Email" under the Account Credentials section, a pop-up will appear for you to enter and confirm the new email.
  5. When all that has been done, slick "Save" at the bottom to ensure any adjustments made take effect.

Please note that changing your email address will change your login credentials.

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