How to Refund or Remove Invoice Payments

PracticeQ's invoicing system allows you to refund or remove payments. Let's take a look at the varying situations for this and how the feature works.

Refunding Credit Card Payments

To refund a credit card payment made through the practiceQ system via intakeQ payments, Stripe or Square integration, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to "Lists > Invoices" and open up the invoice that you are looking to process a refund on. You can also access invoices from a client's timeline as well on the "Invoices" tab.
  2. On the invoice you will see a "Payments" section that will list any payments that have been made as part of the invoice. Beside each payment (on the right) you'll see a "refund" link.
  3. Clicking the refund link will open a prompt asking if you'd like to refund the full amount, or a partial amount. Select whichever option applies, if it's a partial refund you can enter the amount to refund.
  4. Once you proceed you'll be asked to confirm that you want to process to refund. The refund will then be processed on the client's credit card (the one used in that transaction) through the payment provider you are integrated with. You will see a note on the invoice in regards to the refund, as shown below.

Before Refund

After Refund

Refunding Offline Payments

To track a payment refund made offline (cash, check, etc.) follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to "Lists > Invoices" and open up the invoice that you are looking to track a refund on. You can also access invoices from a client's timeline as well on the "Invoices" tab.
  2. On the invoice you will see a "Payments" section that will list any payments that have been tracked as part of the invoice. Beside each payment (on the right) you'll see a "remove" link.
  3. Clicking the remove link will remove that payment from the invoice, returning that specific payment amount back to the total balance owing on the invoice.
  4. You are now free to track another payment on the invoice, and can use a different payment method if you'd like. See below for how the payments section will look after issuing the manual refund.

Before "Refund"

After "Refund"

Refunds Processed in PracticeQ Payments, Stripe, or Square

It is highly recommended that you process any refunds through the practiceQ system, directly on the invoice. Doing it this way will ensure that the refund is processed and everything is tracked properly on the practiceQ invoice.

If you do refund a charge directly in the practiceQ Payments dashboard, or in your Stripe/Square account, you can still have this reflected on the associated practiceQ invoice, but it must be done manually. Simply follow the steps in the "Refunding Credit Card Payments" section of this article, and our system will automatically check your payment processor account for any refunds associated with this invoice and apply it accordingly.

Manual Refund Tracking

You can track manual refunds on invoices that were paid by processing a payment, for use in various cases where you no longer want the payment to show as paid. You may have refunded the client via other means outside of intakeQ, or need to remove the payment as it was returned and not reflected on the invoice.

To do this, simply click the "refund" link to the right of the processed payment, you'll see an option to track the manual refund (shown below).

Once you select that, you'll just need to click the blue button that appears labelled "Record Manual Refund" and the full amount will be tracked as a refund. Nothing is actually processed in doing this, it's for tracking purposes only.

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