How to Add Bookings to Your Website

IntakeQ offers two ways to add the Booking system to your website, these are detailed below.

Embed the Booking Widget

You can directly embed the booking widget into your website so clients can schedule appointments with you without having to leave your website or open any new windows. To get the code to embed into your website, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to "Bookings > Booking Settings" and click on the "Widget" tab.
  2. At the top of the screen you'll see a section titled "How to use it on your website", with the widget code below.
  3. This is the code you'd copy and paste into the HTML source of your website. If you're using a website building tool, be sure you don't paste this code in as plain text, you'll need to switch to that builders HTML code view.
  4. If you need widget code for specific locations, practitioners, services, etc., click the links you see below the code.

Link to the Booking Website

  1. Navigate to "Bookings > Booking Settings" and click on the "Widget" tab.
  2. Scroll down and you'll see a section titled "Your website doesn't allow custom javascript? Use a button instead." which gives you a few options.
  3. One option is to use our HTML link button code. The button links to the booking website which is a simple website that hosts your booking widget.
  4. A second option is to simply take the booking website URL (shown under the "Don't have a website?" section) and generate the link yourself on your website, no code required.

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