Invoice Expiration Settings

When you send an invoice to a client via email, it will only be accessible for a period of time, then it will automatically expire for added security. You can adjust the default settings to change how long invoices will remain active for before expiring, and you can re-send invoices after they expire as well.

Changing the Default Invoice Access/Expiration Settings

The adjust the default settings for sending invoices, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to "Lists > Invoices" and click the "Invoice Settings" button in the upper right corner.
  2. Go to the "Security" tab, where you'll see the default settings for invoice access and expiration.

  • Email Access Method: This allows you to choose to send a secret link only, or also require an access code for added security.
  • Secret Link Expiration: This will control how long the secret invoice URL will be accessible for. It will expire once the duration set has passed.
  • Disable secret link once invoice is paid (or closed): Enabling this setting will disable the secret link once the invoice has been paid or closed.

Adjusting the Expiry Date on Invoices

You are able to control the expiry date of the secret invoice URL on a per-invoice basis as well. Follow the steps noted below to do this:

  1. Open the invoice you'd like to generate a secret URL for. This can be done in numerous areas, such as a client's profile, appointment dialog, or from "Lists > Invoices".
  2. With the invoice open, click "Actions > Secret URL".
  3. Check the box beside "Enable invoice secret URL", you'll then see the specific link to that invoice which you can give directly to a client.
  4. To set a specific expiry date for this invoice, click "show advanced options" and you'll be presented with a box to set the expiry date.

Note: Sending an invoice reminder to a client will extend the expiration date.

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