Billing Recipient / Client Legal Name

You may see clients in your practice that need their invoices to go to a different person, what we're calling a "billing recipient". This would typically be someone like a parent, guardian, sponsor, etc. For each client, you can designate a billing recipient, which will cause that client's invoices to be sent to the billing recipient instead of the client.

To do this, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the client's profile using the search bar or "Lists > Clients".
  2. On the client's profile, click the "Invoices" tab, then on the right side of the page click the three dots button "... > Billing Recipient".

  3. You'll be presented with a screen to designate the information for the billing recipient, as shown below.

Client Legal Name

In the screenshot above you'll notice a section labelled "Client Legal Name". This can be adjusted if your client has a preferred name you'd rather keep on file for them, but they have a legal name they need to appear on invoices.

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