Fullscript Integration

Fullscript is a software platform for dispensing supplements directly to clients. It's best for those that prescribe wellness and want a trusted source for their supplement recommendations.

Practitioners who integrate their Fullscript account see an increase of 16% more revenue per month, and 33% more prescriptions written per week!

Getting Started

If you haven’t signed up with Fullscript yet, you can do that here: https://fullscript.com

Enabling the Integration

Log in to your IntakeQ account and navigate to "More > Settings > Integrations" and click on Fullscript's "Settings" button:

Click the "Connect to Fullscript" button:

Sign into your existing Fullscript account or create a new account:

Agree to the permissions:

Once connected, it will bring you back here to let you know your account is connected:

Synching Patients

From there use the "Pull Patients" to sync your Fullscript client list with your practiceQ client list. You can also automatically sync new patients added into Fullscript with intakeQ by checking the checkbox "Sync Fullscript Patients with intakeQ automatically".

Using "Recommendation" Terminology instead of "Prescriptions"

You can also choose the verbiage for what you want to call the treatment plans. Most prefer to use "Recommendation" when referring the the treatment plan in Fullscript. 

If you choose "Recommendations", you'll also want to adjust a setting in the Fullscript app so the terms follows through to the emails the client will get.


Synch Individual IntakeQ Clients to a Fullscript Patient

If a client hasn't been synched yet, it will show you the following screen on the client profile / Fullscript tab. You can link the client to a Fullscript patient this way.

Create a New Recommendation from the Client's Profile

To create a new recommendation from a client profile, go to the Fullscript Tab and and click the "Create a New Recommendation" button. From there, you would select the practitioner and go through the product search via the Fullscript user interface. Once you are ready to recommend, click the "Send Recommendation" button at the bottom of the screen. This will send the recommendation to the client.

Create a New Recommendation from an Appointment Note

You can also recommend via Fullscript from an Appt Note --> More dropdown menu:

Cancelling a Recommendation

To cancel a recommendation, click the "Cancel" menu item under actions from the Fullscript tab in the client's profile.

It will ask to confirm and then set the Recommendation to Cancelled:

Cancelled Label next to the recommendation.

Link a Recommendation to a Note

From the client profile  > Fullscript tab, you can link a existing recommendation to an appointment note.
To link to a new note, make the selection.

To link a recommendation to an existing note, click the radio button and select the desired note from the dropdown.

You will receive a confirmation that the recommendation has been linked:

Creating an In-Office Checkout

If the client wats to pay for an order in-office, you can have them do that from inside Fullscript. Go to the recommendation on the client's profile and select "In-Office Checkout" from the "Actions" menu. This will send you to the Fullscript website to complete the checkout and payment process.

View Fullscript Orders

You can view recommendations for Fullscript under the specific client profile or view a full list within Fullscript itself. Clients can also view their recommendation in their own portal. 

Client Portal View

Under the client portal feature, you can choose for clients to be able to view their Fullscript recommendations within their portal.

From your portal page, click the "Settings" button in the top right and go to portal features.

Use this setting to allow patients to see their recommended treatment plans in the portal. 

Portal view:

Using Protocols (Templates)

When starting a recommendation, you can load any protocols you have created on the Fullscript Website by clicking the vertical ellipsis.

Don't hesitate to email us at hello@intakeq.com if you need assistance!

You can also contact Fullscript support here if you need direct help from them.

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