November 2022 Price Increases

Here at intakeQ our desire is to provide excellent support and innovative updates to our customers. While we have never raised pricing for legacy clients, and in part due to recent economic changes, we are moving to streamline all clients to the current pricing model and features. This will ensure all of our clients have the feature set we offer and won't have to pay extra for add-ons that are now included in the plan.

Who Is Not Impacted

This new pricing structure was established at the end of 2021 for all new Practice Management customers (not counting low volume users), and this 2022 pricing change will only affect those who are on older pricing plans prior to the 2021 changes.

Who Is Impacted

Practice Management customers:

Old price: $59.90/m
New price: $74.90/m

Additional Practitioners: $25/m ($5 increase)

New features included: intakeQ Telehealth (previously $10/m per practitioner)

Low Volume Practice Management customers:

Old price: $39.90/m
New price: $49.90/m

Additional practitioners: $20/m (no change)

Limit increases: 25 form submissions + 25 appointments (5 additional for each)
New features included: intakeQ Telehealth (previously $10/m per practitioner)

Enterprise and high volume clients:

Some high volume and other users are on special plans with us for varying reasons. We've tried to keep things simple for you, so we calculated what your saving percentage was, and are applying that to the new pricing structure. That means you should see a similar increase, but keep your specific savings percentage as it was. If you have any questions about your account, please email us at

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