Client Tags

Tagging clients makes it easy to categorize them and have access to information by quickly glancing at their records.

Adding a tag to a client can be done manually or automatically. First let's look at how to tag a client manually.

1. Tagging a Client Manually

There are 2 places where you can add a tag to a client. In the Client Profile or when looking at a client's intake form.

Let's look at how to use the Client Profile to add a tag to a client.

  1. Open a client's profile.
  2. Click on the "Add Tag" icon shown in the image below and type the tag.

  3. Notice that if the tag already exists, you can just select it from the list. Otherwise, press "Enter" after you type.

As you can see in the image below, a client's tags will be shown beside their name.

To change the color of a tag, simply click on it to bring the edit dialog.

Tagging a client from the intake form page is similar. Look for the "Client Tags" section located on the right side of the page and click on the "+" sign.

2. Tagging a Client Automatically

You can automatically tag a client by using rules in your intake forms. You may already be familiar with the rules engine used for skip logic. The same engine can be used to create rules that tag clients automatically.

To create a tagging rule, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to "My Forms" and open the intake questionnaire you wish to add the rule to.
  2. Click on the "..." menu and select "Rules".
  3. Click on "Add Rule".
  4. Complete the 4 rule steps and click on "Save". See image below for an example.

Please note that Tags will only appear here if they have been manually created previously (see section A).

Once the client submits a form containing rules, IntakeQ will apply the tags that are applicable.

3. Removing a Client Tag Automatically

You can automatically remove a client tag in the same way by using rules in your intake forms.

To create a remove tag rule, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to "My Forms" and open the intake questionnaire you wish to add the rule to.
  2. Click on the "..." menu and select "Rules".
  3. Click on "Add Rule".
  4. Complete the 4 rule steps selecting "remove tag(s) to client" and click on "Save".

Please note that if you tell the system to remove a tag that wasn't previously applied, the system will see that the tag is not currently active and ignore the rule, as it doesn't apply.

Managing Client Tags

If you have tags added to your clients and want to add, edit, or remove them, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to "Lists > Clients" and select "Profile Settings" in the top right corner of the page.
  2. From here, click the "Client Tags" tab which is where you are able to add, edit, or remove tags as needed.

Please note that editing a tag will propagate changes to all clients and deleting a tag will remove it from all clients.

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