Accessing Your Account's Audit Trail

IntakeQ offers a detailed and user friendly audit trail containing most relevant actions taken in your team account. You can find it under "Reports > Audit Trail".

As you can see below, the Audit Trail page allows you to search by user (including assistants), date, client, and object type (forms, notes, appointments, etc.).

By default, the audit trail can only be accessed by the main Administrator role, however, you can add permission to other roles under "More > Team > Roles". Just select the role and check the "Can access audit trail" box.

Note that a user who has access to the audit trail will be able to see actions from all other users in the account.

Exporting the Audit Trail

If you'd like to export the audit trail to a CSV file, simply filter the search results to display what you want to export on the screen, then select the export option as shown below.

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