Restoring Deleted or Edited Form Templates

IntakeQ allows you to restore form templates that you have accidentally deleted, or restore a previous version of a form that you have edited. This allows you freedom to test new form layouts for your questions, or update your forms without worrying about losing your previous form. Please note that you can also "Duplicate a Form" before making your edits.

Restore a Backup Copy of a Deleted or Edited Form Template

  1. Navigate to "My Forms".
  2. Click on "... > Backups".

  3. On the Backups page, find the name of the form from the list and choose the date you wish to restore. The system will make backups whenever you edit a form or just before it's deleted, so there may be numerous dates and times under each form.

The system will give a confirmation message when the form has been restored. Restoring the form will not remove it from the list of backups, and the form will be restored to the same folder it was in when it was deleted/edited.

To Restore a Deleted Form Submitted by a Client

  1. Access the client's timeline using the magnifying glass icon to search, or by navigating to "Lists > Clients" and clicking on the client's name.
  2. Click on the "Events" tab.
  3. Search for an event titled "Intake Deleted" and click the blue "Restore" link (seen below).

This will restore the form to it's previous state on the client's timeline. Forms can be restored for up to 14 days using this method.

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