Treatment Notes for Appointments with Multiple Clients

PracticeQ allows you to have appointments with multiple clients at one time, such as for couples or families. After the appointment you may want to add treatment notes in regards to what took place during the appointment. You have the option of adding separate notes for each client on the appointment, but the main feature most practitioners will use is the ability to have the main appointment note replicated on the additional client's timelines.

Adding & Replicating Appointment Notes

To add a note that is linked directly to an appointment, follow the steps in this article: Linking Treatment Notes with Appointments

Notes attached to appointments with multiple clients will show all clients attending the appointment at the top of the note.

When you finish the note and save, lock, or sign it, the system will ask you if you want to replicate the note to any other clients associated with the linked appointment. This will clone the entire note, including signatures. Every time one of these notes are locked, the system will ask you if you want to "sync" it to keep all notes updated.

Manual Notes for Additional Clients

You can manually add notes for any additional clients added as part of an appointment directly from the "Lists > Appointments" screen. Here you will see an "add note" link by the additional client name, listed under the main client name, in an appointment listing.Clicking this option is a quick way to go to that client's timeline to add a treatment note that is linked to that specific appointment.

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