Restoring Deleted Client Forms/Notes

If you've accidentally deleted an intake form that was submitted by a client, or a treatment note you added to their timeline, the client events log gives you the ability to do this.

Take note that we can only guarantee the restoration ability will be available for 5 days, though it's possible you can restore for a longer period of time in various circumstances.

Restoring Deleted Forms/Notes

  1. Navigate to "List > Clients" and select the client you deleted the form for to open their profile.
  2. Go to the "Events" tab and you'll see a log of the events that took place for this specific client.
  3. In the events log you should see where the form/note was deleted, along with the date and who performed the action.
  4. So long as you're within the restore time window, you should see a "restore" text link next to the delete listing, clicking this will restore that form/note to the client's timeline.

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