Tracking Insurance Payments
IntakeQ allows you to create claims and track insurance payments. When you submit claims using our Office Ally or TriZetto integrations, insurance payments are recorded and allocated automatically as payers make ERA reports available. If you work with payers who don't provide ERA reports, or if you don't use one of our clearinghouse integrations, you can record these payments manually.
Adding an Insurance Payment Manually
To add an insurance payment, you will likely need the EOB (Explanation of Benefits) received from the insurance payer, showing you the amounts for each claim and its items. To record the payment follow the steps below:
- Navigate to "Lists > Claims > Payments".
- Click on "Add Payment".
- Fill out the basic payment information (Payer, Date, Check Number, Amount), and click on "Continue".
- IntakeQ will show you all claims for that payer that have been submitted but not paid. Select the claims that are included in this EOB and click on "Continue".
- Next, IntakeQ will show you a table that lets you allocate the EOB amounts to each claim line item, including copay, coinsurance and deductibles.

Notice that the amounts in the Paid column should add up to the total payment amount. The system will display the un-allocated amount at the bottom and once that amount gets to zero, you will be able to close the payment by clicking on "Close Payment".
When the payment is closed, IntakeQ will change the status on the claims and update the client responsibility on the appointments associated with these claims.
Our claims system allows you to manually track write-offs that occur due to contracted insurance payer rates and such. When tracking the payment, there is a field to enter the write-off amount, and this will then show in the claim payment information as well.
Above you'll see where you can enter the write-off amount, there is an icon beside it that will automatically calculate the write-off amount based on the other values entered to make things easier as well.
Here is what the payment would look like in the claim list view: