Prefill Client Info in the Booking Widget

If you are embedding the IntakeQ booking widget in your website or app and want to pre-fill the client information in the booking system, this is possible by adding the variables within the booking widget code.

Below is an example of the code with the added variables, you'll see where you can alter the client's name, email, and phone, as well as adjust some other functions. Notes pertaining to what the options do are in bold, and you'll need to be sure to get the code from your booking settings since it'll have your IntakeQ ID include which is required.

<script>(function (c) {
window.intakeq="YOUR INTAKEQ ID";
window.intakeqClientName="Jack Black"; // required
window.intakeqClientEmail=""; // required
window.intakeqClientPhone="(222) 222-2222"; // required
window.intakeqReminderType=10; // this will disable appointment reminders
window.intakeqClientDob="1983-10-23"; // required only if DOB for appointments is enabled in the settings
window.intakeqServicesOnly=true; // hides packages
var i = c.createElement("script");i.type = "text/javascript";i.async = true;i.src = "";document.head.appendChild(i);})(document);
<div id="intakeq" style="max-width:720px; width: 100%;"></div>

If you need assistance adding the booking widget to your website, see the following article: Adding Your Booking Widget to Your Website

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