Exporting Your Data from PracticeQ

Here is a guide for exporting all of your data from PracticeQ. 

Exporting Your Client List

IntakeQ gives you the ability to export a list of your clients to a CSV file.

To do this, follow the steps below:

Export All Clients

  1. Navigate to "Lists > Clients".
  2. Click on the "Export Clients" button (located below the search button).
  3. Select "Export All Clients" and a CSV file download will begin with your client details.

Export Specific Clients

  1. Navigate to "Lists > Clients".
  2. Use the input fields at the top of the screen and click the "Search" button to filter which clients will be included in the output.
  3. Once your client search is complete, click on the "Export Clients" button (located below the search button).
  4. Select "Export Search Results" and a CSV file download will begin with your client details.

Exporting Client's Files to PDF

In order to export all files (all notes, or all intakes, or both) for a specific client, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to "Lists > Clients".
  2. Use the search filter options to locate the client you want to export files for, then click the blue "Open" button.
  3. On their profile click on the "..." circle button located in the top right corner of the page.
  4. Select one of the export options as shown below to export different types of files.

Exporting Appointments to CSV

To export a list of appointments to CSV (or Excel), follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to "Lists > Appointments".
  2. Fill out the search filters and run the search.
  3. Click on "Export... > Export to CSV" to download the CSV file.

If you're looking for a per-client summary you'll see that option above as well. Read more in the following article: Per-Client Appointment Summary

Exporting Claims to a CSV

CMS 1500 insurance claims, with a direct integration with Office Ally. We also allow you to manually export your claims to a CSV file if needed, with varying exports that give you different info. See the varying export types below and how to download them.

Export from Claims View

To export a CSV list of your claims, following the steps below:

  1. Navigate to "Lists > Claims".
  2. Use the search filters to narrow the results to what you're looking to export.
  3. Click "Export to CSV" and select one of the various export options.

Export from Payments View

To export a CSV list of your claim payments, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to "Lists > Claims" and click on the "Payments" button towards the top of the screen to change the view.
  2. Use the search filters to narrow the results to what you're looking to export.
  3. Click "Export to CSV" and select one of the various export options.

Export from Appointments View

To export a CSV list of your claims with associated appointment details, following the steps below:

  1. Navigate to "Lists > Claims" and click on the "Appointments" button towards the top of the screen to change the view.
  2. Use the search filters to narrow the results to what you're looking to export.
  3. Click the arrow beside the "Search" button and select "Export to CSV".

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