Customized Email Template and Header

Custom Invitation Email per Form

It is possible for you to create your own form invitation email for when you send forms to your clients, however, there are times when forms are used for different purposes, and each situation may require a different email template. For example, an email message used for sending a follow-up form would naturally differ from one used for a new patient intake. With IntakeQ you are able to override your global email template for specific forms.

To use a custom invitation email template on a specific form, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to "My Forms" and select the intake questionnaire you want to edit.
  2. Click on "... > Settings" and select the "Invitation Email" tab.
  3. Check the option that says "Use a custom email template for this form" and create your template.

Just make sure to leave the [IntakeQLink] placeholder in your template. This placeholder will be replaced by the link and password your client will use to access the form.

Custom Header per Form

Similarly to the above, there may be situations where using a different header for a specific form makes sense. Maybe you offer different services at a different location, or use a different branding for certain services. You can override your global form header on a per-form basis.

To use a custom header on a specific form:

  1. Navigate to "My Forms" and select the intake questionnaire you want to edit.
  2. Click on "... > Settings" and select the "Custom Header" tab.
  3. Check the option that says "Use a custom header for this form" and create your form header.

Custom Header in PDF Forms

If you wish to customize your header for a PDF form, please see the following article: Custom Header in PDF Forms.

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