Creating an Appointment Package Manually

IntakeQ allows you to sell appointment packages online through the Booking Widget, however, there can be instances where a client pays for a package offline in your office. In this case, you can still enter that purchase manually in your IntakeQ account so you can keep track of the package's appointments, and also allow your clients to schedule remaining appointments using the booking widget.

To create a client package, navigate to "Bookings > Booking settings > Services > Packages" and click on "Add New Package". Then select the client and package and click on "Create Package".

Once a package is created, it will show up as the first result in the packages table. You can then schedule each package appointment by clicking on the "Schedule" link (shown in the image below).

Note that you can also click on "Pay" to register an offline payment, or create a manual charge using one of the supported payment providers.

The Schedule Appointment dialog is shown in the image below:

Note that you can create a new appointment by informing the date and reminder type, or click on "Want to assign an existing appointment instead?" to link an existing appointment to this package.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact us and we'll be happy to help!

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