Appointment Time Preference

When using IntakeQ's Booking Widget, you can specify how you want IntakeQ to fill up your schedule, allowing you to make better use of your days.

These options can be set up in the "Appointment Time Preference" field, which can be found by navigating to "Bookings > Booking Settings" and opening the "Settings" tab.

Here's a short explanation of how each option works:


This option will display all the available time slots on any given day.

Avoid Gaps

This option will attempt to prevent gaps between appointments. For example, let's say you already have one appointment scheduled for Tuesday at 12PM. When the next client goes to your Booking Widget to schedule an appointment for the same day, IntakeQ will only show them the 2 time slots that are closest to the existing appointment, one before and one after.

This will minimize your idle time, preventing situations where you have one appointment at 8AM and the next appointment at 4PM.

Fill Up Mornings First

When this option is selected, IntakeQ will fill up your mornings (up to 12PM) before accepting appointments in the afternoon. When a client goes to your Booking Widget, they will only see your afternoon time slots if your morning is completely filled up.

Fill Up Afternoons First

Similarly, when this option is selected, IntakeQ will fill up your afternoons before accepting appointments in the morning.

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