Multiple Practitioners
IntakeQ supports the scenario in which multiple practitioners work in the same clinic and have their IntakeQ accounts owned and managed by a clinic administrator.
When you sign up for a new account, you are automatically elected as the administrator and can add other practitioners under your account.
In practical terms, these are the main characteristics of the Admin account:
- The Admin can add practitioners under its own account.
- The Admin account will handle the subscription payment.
- The Admin account has access to all practitioner accounts.
- The Admin account can perform actions (send forms, manage appointments, etc.) on behalf of practitioners.
- The form templates created in the Admin account are available to all practitioners.
- The form header created in the Admin account is available to all practitioners.
- Each practitioner has their own login and access to their own patients (you can grant access to all patients too).
- Each practitioner has their own calendar, but the clinic has a single booking widget (which can be embedded in the clinic’s website).
- The Admin account can also be a practitioner and perform common tasks like sending forms, writing treatment notes and scheduling appointments.
Adding Practitioners to Your Account
When you add a practitioner to your account, the practitioner will receive an email invitation to join IntakeQ. The practitioner will then be able to log in to IntakeQ and perform common actions, like any other account would. The main difference is that they will not have access to the subscription section, since this will be managed by the administrator.
The practitioner account will also have access to all the form templates created in the admin account, so that every practitioner in the clinic can use standard forms.
To add a practitioner account, navigate to "More > Team > Practitioners".
Adding a practitioner account under the clinic account.
If you don't have free slots to add a new practitioner the system will show this message:
Clicking the "upgrade to another plan" will let you add a slot for the practitioner:
Once you have enough free slots, you'll be able to add a new practitioner from More -> Team -> Practitioners
Managing Form Templates
Any form template created in the Admin account will be available in all practitioner accounts. Practitioners can still create their own individual forms.
The form header configured in the Settings section of the Admin account will be available to all practitioners as well. However, practitioners can choose to override the clinic header within their own accounts.
Using the Booking Widget with Multiple Practitioners
When you add multiple practitioners under your account, there’s only one widget for the organization. Each practitioner still has their own calendar, but you, as the administrator, must configure the widget by specifying which practitioners provide what services and which practitioners work in what location.
Setting up the widget is straight forward and is almost identical to the process described here. The only difference is that the administrator must specify which practitioners work on each location and which practitioners provide each service.
When setting up the booking widget, the admin should inform which practitioners work on a certain location..
You’ll see something similar when creating a service:
When setting up the booking widget, the admin should indicate which practitioners provide a certain service.
This information will be used to assign an appointment to the appropriate practitioner when a patient is booking online. If there’s more than one practitioner providing the same service on the same location, the patient will be able to choose the practitioner.
If more than one practitioner is providing the same service in the same location, the patient is able to pick one when booking online.
Perform Tasks on Behalf of Other Practitioners
The Admin account can impersonate a practitioner account in order to perform common tasks such as sending forms to patients, printing submitted forms, approving appointment requests or configuring account settings.
If you added other practitioners to your account, you’ll see a drop down menu located at the bottom right corner of the screen. This menu allows you to quickly switch between practitioner accounts.
IntakeQ also provides an administrator dashboard, which displays a quick view of received and pending forms per practitioner, as you can see in the image below.
The admin dashboard.
Assistant accounts are used by office managers, administrators or secretaries to help manage a practitioner’s account. In a multi-practitioner environment, you can specify which accounts a particular assistant has access to.
Depending on their access level, an assistant can perform almost all tasks on behalf of a practitioner, like sending intakes, printing forms, managing a calendar, etc. Just like the Admin account, an assistant is able to switch between accounts by using the menu located at the bottom right corner of the screen.
Using IntakeQ as Admin Only
If you are the clinic administrator, but not a practitioner, you can optimize your account to behave as admin only. This will hide certain sections that only practitioners use and make it easier for you to navigate the system. To change your account to Admin Only, see the following article: Administrator Only Account