Can I Have a Client Submit a Form Before Booking an Appointment?

Sometimes you want to have a client fill out a form before booking their initial appointment. While the system does allow you to send a form at the time a client books an appointment and allows you to set the appointment to only be automatically confirmed when the form is submitted, in some cases, you want the make sure the client submits the form before even accessing your booking widget.

This can be done by adding a pre-appointment form to your form submission redirect, that will redirect to your booking widget once the client submits the form.

Setting up a Pre-Appointment Form

  1. (optional) Break down your services into categories for "New Clients" and "Returning Clients": How Do I Break My Services Down into Categories?
  2. (optional) Break down your booking widget by category, and get the URL for "New Clients": Can I Have One Booking Widget for Each Location, Category, Service or Practitioner?
  3. Add your booking widget to the pre-appointment form as a redirect when the form is submitted: Redirect Client After a Form is Submitted
  4. (optional) Add a form submission message that the form will redirect to your booking widget so the client can book their appointment: Display a Custom Message When a Form is Submitted
  5. Get the form's public URL: How to Add an Intake Form to Your Website
  6. Add a message to your webpage that the client will need to fill out the form to be able to book an appointment, and then add the form's public URL to the booking website.

This will allow your clients to fill out the form and then be redirected to your booking widget to book their appointment automatically!

Allowing Returning Clients to Book Appointments Without Filling out a Form

  1. Break your services down into categories, if not done already: How Do I Break My Services Down into Categories?
  2. Break down your booking widget by category and get the URL for "Returning Clients": Can I Have One Booking Widget for Each Location, Category, Service or Practitioner?
  3. Add the URL for "Returning Clients" to your website, noting on the page that this is only for Returning Clients.
  4. (optional) Click on "Bookings > Booking Settings > Services > Edit (beside your Returning Client services) > Overrides > Appointment Confirmation = Auto-Confirm Returning Clients Only".

This will allow your returning clients to book appointments without having to fill out a form first, while preventing new clients from booking an appointment from this link.

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