Adding Terms of Service to the Booking Widget

Various clinics and practitioners may require clients to agree to their terms of service before booking an appointment. The IntakeQ booking widget allows you to enable this feature and customize the terms of service text. If enabled, this feature will require that all clients accept the terms of service before they are permitted to proceed in booking the appointment.

To enable this feature and customize the terms of service text, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to "Bookings" and click the "Booking Settings" button in the upper right corner.
  2. Go to the "Settings" tab, and scroll down to find the link labelled "Click here to configure custom Terms of Service for your Widget".
  3. Clicking this link will open the dialog shown below, allowing you to enable the terms of service feature and customize the text of it.

How This Appears in the Booking Widget

Below is an example of how the terms of service will appear in the booking widget process your clients will go through to schedule an appointment.

When a client clicks the blue "Terms of Service" link shown above, whatever text you have entered for the terms of service will display directly in the booking widget. If a client tries to proceed without checking the box to accept the terms of service, they will get a message informing them they cannot proceed until they accept the policy.

When a client agrees to the terms and submits an appointment request, we add a record to your Audit Trail containing the client, date and full text of the agreement.

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