SMS Appointment Reminders

Part of the IntakeQ booking system is the ability to automatically have appointment reminders sent to clients. This article will discuss the specific options available for SMS reminders as they are a very popular feature that many clients like as opposed to email reminders.

SMS appointment reminders is a choice your clients will have when scheduling appointments by default, though you can also choose to only use that specific reminder type if you'd prefer from inside your booking settings at "Bookings > Booking Settings > Settings".

As you can see in the screenshot above, you can choose to send out a reminder days out from the appointment, and set the specific time it's sent. You can also send out a same day reminder, and set the reminder type, which is where you can choose to let the client select their reminder type or lock them into a specific one. You can enable attendance confirmation as well and customize the SMS message.

Custom Reminder Message per Service

If you need to customize the SMS reminder message for specific services, you can do so by clicking on the link "Customize the reminder message for individual services". 

This will give you the chance to customize the reminder message for services that require something special, as seen in the example below.

Client SMS Replies

For automated appointment reminders and scheduled SMS messages (not other types of SMS messages), our system will monitor it for 4 days and if the client responds it will update the events log in their profile with their message. To view the reply, load up a client's profile and go to the "Events" tab. There will be an entry labelled "Client replied to SMS reminder", click "details" on the right to view the message.

You can enable a setting to be notified when a client replies to one of these SMS messages. This is set for each user under "More > Settings > Notifications".

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