IntakeQ Invoice API
Please Note: The standard PracticeQ subscription includes 10 API requests/minute, max 500/day. Click here to learn how to increase your threshold and unlock the power of PracticeQ’s flexible API's.
The IntakeQ Invoice API is composed of HTTP endpoints that can be reached through a REST API. Additionally, you can setup webhooks that are fired when an invoice is issued or paid; giving you the opportunity to watch for changes in realtime and integrate with 3rd party software.
For Intake Forms API, please refer to this article.
Getting Started
To get started, you first need to enable API access (navigate to More > Settings > Integrations > Developer API). That’s also where you’ll find your API key, used to authenticate your HTTP calls.
Only the main account owner has access to the API tab.
Never expose your API key in plain text (config files, source control, etc.).
Consider setting an IP Allow-List as explained here.
Base URL
All endpoints are located under the following URL:
An example of a typical API call would look like this:
Every HTTP request needs to contain your API key embedded in an authentication header named X-Auth-Key.
The Invoice Object
Below is the JSON representation of the invoice object, which is used throughout this API.
{ Id: "123", Number: 123, ClientName: "test", ClientEmail: "", ClientId: "2655259c-f342-4cf9-9534-067247d7ec34", //GUID used internally ClientIdNumber: 999, Status: "Paid", // Unpaid, Paid, PastDue IssuedDate: 1458526480368, //Unix timestamp, DueDate: 1458526484236, //Unix timestamp, DateCreated: 1458526484236, //Unix timestamp, LastModified: 1458526484236, //Unix timestamp, CurrencyIso: "USD", DiscountAmount: 30.45, DiscountPercent: 0.20, DiscountType: "Percentage", // Percentage, Amount SubTotal: 163.50, TotalAmount: 163.50, AmountDue: 60, AmountPaid: 80, NoteToClient: "Thank you to choose IntakeQ", AllowTipping: true, TipAmount: 18, Automated: true, CreatedBy: "Dr. Test", AdditionalEmailRecipients: [""], ClientPaymentPlanId: "" ClientPaymentPlanInterval: 0, Payments: [ { Date: 1458526484236, Amount: 80, Currency: "USD", Method: "CreditCard", ProcessedBy: "Dr. Test", ProcessedByType: "Client", // Client, Provider, Automation TipAmount: 0, RefundedAmount: 0, AdditionalInfo: "Split Payment", CardDetails: { Brand" : "VISA", LastDigits" : "1111", ExpirationMonth : 7, ExpirationYear" : 2022, CardId" : "ccof:xyz" } }, { Date: 1581364209, Amount: 75, Currency: "USD", Method: "CreditCard", ProcessedBy: "Dr. Test", ProcessedByType: "Client", // Client, Provider, Automation TipAmount: 0, RefundedAmount: 0, AdditionalInfo: "Split Payment", CardDetails: { Brand" : "VISA", LastDigits" : "1111", ExpirationMonth : 7, ExpirationYear" : 2022, CardId" : "ccof:xyz" } } ], Items: [ { "AppointmentId" : "5e3a40492604a910d0883401", "ProductId" : null, "Description" : "Physical Therapy Treatment Session", "TotalTaxAmount" : 0, "Units" : 1, "Price" : 150, "Date" : 1581364209, "Taxes" : [ { Name = 'HST', Percentage = 0.13 } ], "TaxesIncludedInPrice" : true, "IsCopay" : false, "TotalAmount" : 150.0, "ServiceCode" : "97110", "SubItems" : [ { "ServiceCode" : "97110", "Price" : 37.5, "Units" : 1, "Description" : null, "Date" : 1581191409, "Modifiers" : [ ] }, { "ServiceCode" : "97140", "Price" : 37.5, "Units" : 3, "Description" : null, "Date" : null, "Modifiers" : [ ] } ] }, { "AppointmentId" : null, "ProductId" : "5c2e5d752604a7013cbc0339", "Description" : "S&H", "TotalTaxAmount" : 0, "Units" : 1, "Price" : 13.15, "TotalAmount": 13.15 "Date" : null, "Taxes" : [], "TaxesIncludedInPrice" : false, "IsCopay" : false, "ServiceCode" : "SH", "SubItems" : [ ] } ], DiagnosisList: ["DX1", "DX2"] }
Let’s look at each property individually:
Field | Explanation |
Id | The ID of the invoice. | |||
ClientName | The name of the client. | |||
ClientEmail |
The email of the client. | |||
ClientIdNumber | The client's ID assigned by IntakeQ. |
Number | The invoice number. | |||
IssueDate | The date when the invoice was issued. | |||
Status | Possible values: Draft – The invoice has been created but not issued. Unpaid – The invoice has been issued and has not been paid. PastDue – The invoice has past the payment date and the customer has not paid. Paid – The invoice has been paid by the customer. Refunded – The invoice has been refunded by the staff. Canceled - The Invoice has been voided. |
DueDate |
The date when when the invoice is due. | |||
CurrencyIso |
The currency of the invoice | |||
DiscountPercent |
The discount value in percent applied on the invoice. | |||
DiscountAmount |
The discount amount in percent applied on the invoice. | |||
DiscountType |
Percent or Amount. | |||
Subtotal |
The sum of all the items. | |||
TotalAmount |
The final amount of the invoice, after taxes and discounts. | |||
AmountDue |
The unpaid amount. | |||
AmountPaid |
The paid amount. | |||
NoteToClient |
Notes to the client | |||
TipAmount |
The tip amount. | |||
Automated | Created automatically by IntakeQ | |||
AdditionalEmailRecipients | Send the invoice to multiple recipients | |||
ClientPaymentPlanId | The ID of the payment plan that created the invoice. It will be null when the invoice is not associated with a payment plan. | |||
ClientPaymentPlanInterval | If this invoice is associated with a payment plan, this field informs which period the invoice is for. This is a zero-based index, so the first period is 0, the second period is 1, and so on. | |||
DateCreated | When the invoice was created in Unix timestamp. | |||
CreatedBy | The name of the person who created the invoice. It can be the name of a client or of a staff member. | |||
Item.Quantity | Item Quantity | |||
Item.Description | Item Description | |||
Item.Units | Item Units | |||
Item.Price | Item Price | |||
Item.Date | Item Date | |||
Item.TaxesIncludedInPrice | Check if the taxes are included in the price | |||
Item.IsCopay | Check if the item has a copayment | |||
Item.SubItem.ServiceCode | Subitem Service Code | |||
Item.SubItem.Price | Subitem Price |
Item.SubItem.Quantity | Subitem Quantity | |||
Item.SubItem.Units | Subitem Units | |||
Item.SubItem.Description | Subitem Description | |||
Payments.Date | When the payment has been made | |||
Payments.Amount | Payment amount | |||
Payments.Currency | Payment Currency | |||
Payments.Method | Stripe, CreditCard, Cash, Check, DebitCard, Square, CreditBalance, BankTransfer, Insurance, GiftCard, Other | |||
Payments.ProcessedBy | The name of the person who processed the payment. It can be the name of a client or of a staff member. |
Query Invoices
Use this method to query invoices in your organization. The results will be ordered by Date in descending order.
[GET] /invoices?clientId=[clientIdNumber]&startDate=[yyyy-MM-dd]&endDate=[yyyy-MM-dd]&status=[status]&practitionerEmail=[practitionerEmail]&number=[number]&page=[pageNumber]
This method accepts the following query string parameters:
- clientId (optional) – An integer used to search the client by ID.
- startDate (optional) – Return only invoices that are scheduled for after the specified date. Use the following date format: yyyy-MM-dd (ex.: 2016-08-21)
- endDate (optional) – Return only invoices that are scheduled for before the specified date. Use the following date format: yyyy-MM-dd (ex.: 2016-08-21)
- status (optional) – Possible values are "Draft", "Scheduled", "Unpaid", "Paid", "PastDue", "Refunded", "Forgiven" and "Canceled".
- practitionerEmail (optional) – Use this to get invoices for a specific practitioner. The email must match the email used in the practitioner IntakeQ account. If empty, invoices for all practitioners in the organization will be returned.
- page (optional) – This method returns a maximum of 100 records. Use the page parameter to implement paging from your end. Use 1 for page 1, 2 for page 2, etc.
- lastUpdatedStartDate (optional) – Return only invoices that have been changed after the specified date. Use the following date format: yyyy-MM-dd (ex.: 2016-08-21)
- lastUpdatedEndDate (optional) – Return only invoices that have been changed before the specified date. Use the following date format: yyyy-MM-dd (ex.: 2016-08-21)
This method returns a JSON object representing an array of invoices.
[{ Id: "123", Number: 123, ClientName: "test", ClientEmail: "", ClientIdNumber: 9999, Status: "Paid", // Unpaid, Paid, PastDue IssuedDate: 1458526480368, //Unix timestamp, DueDate: 1458526484236, //Unix timestamp, DateCreated: 1458526484236, //Unix timestamp, CurrencyIso: "USD", DiscountAmount: 3.45, DiscountPercent: 0.20, DiscountType: "Percentage", // Percentage, Amount SubTotal: 163.50, TotalAmount: 163.50, AmountDue: 60, AmountPaid: 80, NoteToClient: "Thank you to choose IntakeQ", AllowTipping: true, TipAmount: 18, Automated: true, CreatedBy: "Dr. Test", AdditionalEmailRecipients: [""], Payments: [], Items: [] },... ]
This method returns a maximum of 100 records. If needed, use the page query string parameter to implement paging from your end.
Use this method to get a single invoice using its ID.
Refer to the invoice object above for its JSON representation.
Invoice Webhook
You can subscribe to invoice events in the API settings page.
If you populate the webhook URL in the API settings page, we will send the following JSON object in a POST message every time an invoice is issued or paid:
{ EventType: "InvoiceIssued", ActionPerformedByClient: true, Invoice: { .... } //refer to the invoice object above }
Let’s look at each property individually:
Field | Explanation |
EventType | Describes which action triggered this event. Possible values: InvoiceIssued - triggered once when the invoice is initially created. InvoicePaid - triggered when the invoice has been paid by the customer. InvoicePaymentPlanChargeFailed - triggered when a recurring payment plan charge has failed. InvoiceAutoChargeFailed - triggered when an appointment auto-charge has failed. InvoiceCancelled - triggered when an invoice has been canceled. InvoicePaymentRefunded - triggered when an invoice payment has been refunded. |
ActionPerformedByClient | Boolean value indicating whether the action was performed by a client or by a staff member. | |||
Invoice | The invoice object as defined above. |