PracticeQ Payments - Payment Dashboard

Our practiceQ Payments merchant processing service comes with a dashboard that lets you view things like the payments that have been processed, deposits, disputes, and more.

Access the dashboard under "More > Payment Dashboard", if you don't see this, your user role likely doesn't have the proper permissions, check with your account admin.

Below is an example of the Payment Dashboard without data, you would see your data in the boxes with the applicable information based on your processed transactions and such.

Reports: This section allows you to generate various reports with information like bank deposits and fee statements. See the section dedicated to this at the bottom of this article.

Payments: All processed payments are listed here, including information such as the amount processed, refunds, etc. Refunds can be initiated from here, though in general you should avoid this. To process refunds from invoices directly, see the following article: How to Refund or Remove Invoice Payments

Disputes: Any payment disputes (chargebacks) initiated by your clients are listed here. You can upload files to prove transactions disputed are valid here, which is required if you want to receive your money. You'll receive an email if you ever have a dispute, typically you'd want to upload any documents the client signed to approve their appointment/service, as well as the invoice PDF.

Customers: This simply lists clients who you've processed transactions for.

Settings: Here you can adjust various settings on your merchant account, most of which you will not want to adjust. If you have any questions, let us know.


This section is where you can run various reports on activity from your merchant account.

Deposit Reports: Includes every deposit made from your account. Each report will show the transaction date, type, last four of the payment method, authorization code, total sale, and fee amount for each transaction included in that deposit.
Reconciliation Reports: These reports include the same information as the deposit reports but also include the customer name for each transaction.
Fee Statements: This will include any processing fee statements for each month. These reports populate within Stax three weeks after the month ends. They include sales total volume, monthly transaction count, interchange/assessment fees and transaction fees broken down. Here you can download/print the statements for your records.
Disputes Manager: View disputed charges. Upload supporting documents and challenge disputes from credit card brands.

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