Utilizing PracticeQ for Ketamine Administration
PracticeQ is flexible enough to help you get set up to administer ketamine quickly.
Prepare for Ketamine Administering
1. Importing the Ketamine Intake and Ketamine Administration Note
- Import the 'Ketamine Intake Form' (with consent forms included) and 'Ketamine Administration Note' templates into your 'My Forms'
- Go to the Standard Forms area and search for "Ketamine" under the Mental Health category.
- Click the "Import" button to add them to your "My Forms" area
- If you already have these templates, be sure to also import any measured assessments needed to properly evaluate the client before the ketamine administration (such as PHQ-9, GAD-7, PCL-5).
2. Create the Ketamine Service in the Booking Settings
- Go to "Booking > Booking Settings" and decide what Service you are going to add to schedule ketamine administration services. You will want to make sure the correct intake is linked to that service so that it is automatically sent out when the service is scheduled.
Note: Be sure to add the Ketamine Intake as the Default Forms that gets sent out when booking that service. This setting is located on the "Form" tab.
Evaluating the Client
Evaluating the client is a crucial part of the process and should not be overlooked. PracticeQ makes it easy to send out a questionnaire at specific intervals so you can measure the client's progress along the way.
Here is a separate article on Scored Assessments.
Make sure the "Journals" feature is enabled under "More - Settings - Features"
- For any questionnaire that you want to be used as a Journal, you need to enable the "Journal" functionality from the questionnaire's settings
- Then, from the client's profile, click the "+" on their timeline and select "Send Journal". You can also send one-off questionnaires from here.
- Choose the Assessment you want to include as a part of the Journal and how often you want the journal to be sent out
- As the Journal entries come in, they appear on the client's timeline. You can see the scores for the assessments by clicking on the Journal entry on the timeline and viewing the questionnaire's.
Setting up ePrescribing
You can prescribe ketamine right from within PracticeQ if you are set up on an ePrescribing subscription. To sign up the admin on the account needs to go here (More > Subscription) and click the blue button to start the sign up process. This process takes 20 or so minutes. You will be asked to verify with ID.me and to sign up a supporting user along the way to can approve you for EPCS for the first time.
Email us here if you have trouble signing up for ePrescribe. The cost is $65/per month per prescriber, and each prescriber can have up to 5 supporting users for free.
Once you are approved, there are many different ketamine options to choose from:
Setting Up Labs
If you want to order and receive Labs from within PracticeQ, it's much like the ePrescribe sign up. The admin needs to go to the Subscription page and sign up via the blue button:
- Once signed up, you can order Labs from the client's profile from the "Lab Orders" tab. You can attach these orders to notes so you can see the results as they come in automatically.
Tracking Ketamine Inventory and Lot Numbers
If you have ketamine inventory and are tracking the lots and expirations, you can also do the from within PracticeQ.
- From the Invoice Settings (Lists > Invoices > Invoice Settings > Products tab), you can add your ketamine inventory as a product.
- Be sure to add the lot number and expiration date when adding the product. This will help you track the affected clients in case there is an issue with the lot.
Accepting Payments for Your Ketamine Services
PracticeQ can help you get set up on a payment processor that will accept the payments for these services. To apply for PQ Payments:
- Go to Bookings > Booking Settings > Payments tab and click the button to start the signup.
- Complete the application and be sure to check the box for ketamine administration.
- It will ask you a few extra questions so be sure to fill those out!
- Once you have submitted the application, you will hear from us shortly!
During the Session
When it's time for the client's ketamine administration appointment:
- Create a new session note from the client's timeline (or create a note from the appointment dialogue itself):
- Choose the Ketamine Administration Note template:
- Use the session note template to have the appointment being sure to monitor the client carefully.
Billing the Clients via Superbill
Providing a superbill for your client is easy in PracticeQ. Click here to review to process. Some insurances will reimburse for the consultations.
Click here to learn more about how to set up superbills for your client's appointments.
We hope this helps you plan for your the inclusion of ketamine services in your practice.