PracticeQ Payments Fee Statements

The fee statements report provides a detailed summary of deposits, sales and fees to provide insight into your business.

Fee Summary

The Summary section provides highlights, including total sales and fees. Use the date picker to select a time frame to view. Note that data for the previous month is updated and available on the 8th of the month.

Note: Fee statements use UTC. This may impact the dates when transactions appear.


The deposit section displays the net deposits for the month. Clicking on the deposit date ID opens the Deposit report details.

Fee Overview

The fee overview provides a breakdown of the fees paid in the month. The overview may appear differently depending on transactions, rates, and accounts.

Daily Sales

Daily sales display the total sales and fees associated with the sales for a particular day.

Card Processing Summary

The card processing section provides details on sales and fees based on the card type and whether or not the card was present.

Payment Method

The payment method section shows Debit, Credit, and ACH/Other processing amounts. The ACH/ Other category represents processing that could not be determined whether it was a Debit or Credit card.

This can be insightful to learn how much percentage of processing is done between Debit and Credit.

Transactional Types

The transactional section displays in-store (Card Present(CP)) or online sales (Card Not Present(CNP))  and Direct Bank transactions(ACH).

This can be insightful as Card Present transactions have cheaper processing fees. In addition, if you process a lot of Card Not Present (CNP) transactions, using Level 2 Data or higher can potentially help decrease processing fees.

Card Brands

The card brand section displays the processing amounts for each card brand (VISA, MasterCard, AMEX, etc.)

The volume section provides each brand's transaction type, transaction volume, processing amounts, and associated fees.

Refunds and Adjustments

Any other activity, including refunds and disputes, are displayed in this section.

Clicking on the refund will take you to the payments section with a description of the refund transaction.

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