Difference Between Account Type and Role

IntakeQ and PracticeQ allows for Practitioner and Assistant accounts that allow for different practice scenarios. Roles are then available to further tweak access to the different functionality within the system.


  • Practitioners have their own calendar for booking appointments either through the booking widget or manually via the calendar
  • Clients are always assigned to a practitioner
  • Every IntakeQ account MUST have at least one practitioner account type.


  • Assistants do not have a calendar, so appointments can not be booked to an assistant. 
  • An assistant can manage a practitioner account and send forms in the practitioner's name, create appointments on the practitioner's calendar, and access clients information. 
  • Assistants cannot have clients assigned directly to them, and can only access them through the practitioner account.
  • To learn more about the different between a practitioner and assistant account, please see the following article: What is the Difference Between an Assistant Account and a Practitioner Account?


  • Roles can be set to further expand or limit the ability of a practitioner or assistant account in the system, however, roles can not be used to expand beyond the above limitations of the account type. 
  • A practitioner account can be given access to all clients using the roles system, or an assistant can be limited to only scheduling appointments and accessing the Secure Client Portal, unable to send forms to clients or access a client's timeline.
  • This setting allows you to fine tune access and your team's ability to access certain information in the system.
  • The role settings are able to be fully configured, with the ability to create and edit existing roles. 
  • Roles can only be assigned by the account admin/owner. 
  • To learn more about roles, please click see the following article: Setting User Permissions

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