Custom Appointment Start Times

The IntakeQ booking system generally makes appointment slots available based on the hours of operation you setup for your business and practitioners, but in some situations you may want more direct control over the start times of your appointment blocks. Our custom start time feature allows you to set specific start times on each day of the week.

Important Note: This feature doesn't create new availability, it still follows the normal appointment availability rules. It simply lets you define the start times that we should use on each day. (Example: If you are closed on Mondays, but have added custom time slots on Mondays, they will not show up.)

To use custom start times, follow the steps below (for the account administrator or an assistant that is controlling that user):

  1. Navigate to "Bookings > Booking Settings > Settings".
  2. Under the option "Appointments Start" select "Custom Start Times" from the dropdown menu.
  3. A new button labelled "Start Times" will appear, click this.

  4. A new dialog window will open that allows you to add start times to each day of the week.

  5. Once you've customized the start times for each day, be sure to click the "Save" button at the bottom to apply the new appointment block start times.

Each practitioner on your team has the ability to use this feature, see the following article for setting practitioner-specific booking settings: Booking Settings for Practitioners on a Team

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