Session Tracker

PracticeQ allows you to set session limits, which are a simple way to note on a client's profile and/or receive a task after a client has a set amount of appointments.

This feature is enabled in all PracticeQ accounts, simply navigate to the client you'd like the set the session limit on and you'll see the button under their main demographics.

Creating a New Tracker

Clicking "+ add tracker" will bring up the following dialog where you set numerous settings for the session tracker for this specific client, as shown below.

You can add up to 8 trackers by using the "+ add tracker" button again.

  • Session #: The amount of sessions to track.
  • Begin Date: Enter the beginning date to include completed appts since that date in the count.
  • End Date: The end date will display on the tracker and the count can be reset on this date.
  • Tracker Note: You can set a note here and it will be viewable on the tracker from the appointment
  • Identifying Color: You can choose a color for the tracker banner
  • Assign a task once session # is reached: This will allow you to have a task created and assigned to a specific user when the session # has been reached.
    • You have options for when the task is triggered
      • Session total count reached: The task is triggered when the "Session #" is reached
      • End Date Occurs: The task is triggered once the End Date is reached
      • Whichever comes first: For scenarios where direct access laws require X visits or X day notification (whichever comes first)
  • Automatically reset to the previous setting on the end date: This resets the counter once the end date has been reached, regardless of sessions used.

Viewing the Tracker

Once you'd added a tracker, it displays directly in the client profile, you can click "Edit" if you ever need to adjust or delete it.

The tracker will also display on the appointment dialogue:

If more than one tracker exists, a link will display to show them all:

 Here a few notes in regards to the functionality of this feature:

  • The counter will only count completed appointments, not cancellations or appointments marked as missed.
  • The counter only counts appts on the day they happen. You will NOT see the tracker on future appointments
  • Once the session count in the banner reaches 0 and a task is created at the end of the day on the end date. If the tracker is not set to automatically reset then it will stop tracking and you must manually remove the banner.

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