IntakeQ Claims API
Please Note: The standard PracticeQ subscription includes 10 API requests/minute, max 500/day. Click here to learn how to increase your threshold and unlock the power of PracticeQ’s flexible API's.
The IntakeQ Claims API is composed of HTTP endpoints that can be reached through a REST API.
Getting Started
To get started, you first need to enable API access (navigate to More > Settings > Integrations > Developer API). That’s also where you’ll find your API key, used to authenticate your HTTP calls.
- Only the main account owner has access to the API tab.
- Never expose your API key in plain text (config files, source control, etc.).
- Consider setting an IP Allow-List as explained here.
Base URL
All endpoints are located under the following URL:
An example of a typical API call would look like this:
Every HTTP request needs to contain your API key embedded in an authentication header named X-Auth-Key.
GET All Claims for All Clients or Claims for a Specific Client
This method returns a list of claims. If clientId parameter is not passed, the method will return all claims for all clients
This method accepts the following query string parameters:
- clientId (optional) – An integer used to identify the client. Leave blank to get claims for all clients
- startDate (optional) – Returns only claims that were created after the specified date. Use the following date format: yyyy-MM-dd (ex.: 2016-08-21)
- endDate (optional) – Returns only claims that were created before the specified date. Use the following date format: yyyy-MM-dd (ex.: 2016-08-21)
- page (optional) – This method returns a maximum of 100 records. Use the page parameter to implement paging from your end. Use 1 for page 1, 2 for page 2, etc.
This method returns a JSON object representing an array of claims. This is what the response looks like:
[ { "Status": 0, "PatientFirstName": "xxxx", "PatientMiddleInitial": null, "PatientLastName": "xxxx", "PatientDateOfBirth": null, "PatientGender": null, "PatientStreetAddress": "", "PatientCity": null, "PatientState": null, "PatientZip": null, "PatientPhoneAreaCode": null, "PatientPhoneNumber": null, "PayerName": null, "PayerStreetAddress": null, "PayerCity": null, "PayerState": null, "PayerZip": null, "ClientRelationshipToInsured": null, "InsuredFirstName": null, "InsuredMiddleInitial": null, "InsuredLastName": null, "InsuredDateOfBirth": null, "InsuredGender": null, "InsuredStreetAddress": null, "InsuredCity": null, "InsuredState": null, "InsuredZip": null, "InsuredPhoneAreaCode": null, "InsuredPhoneNumber": null, "InsuredId": null, "InsuredGroupId": null, "InsurancePlanName": null, "PatientAccountNumber": "xx", "ProviderNpi": null, "ProviderFirstName": "xx", "ProviderLastName": "xx", "TaxId": null, "ProviderOtherId": null, "ProviderStreetAddress": null, "ProviderCity": null, "ProviderState": null, "ProviderZip": null, "ProviderPhoneAreaCode": null, "ProviderPhoneNumber": null, "Diagnosis": [ "1" ], "Procedures": [ { "Date": 1646398800000.0, "PlaceOfService": null, "Procedure": null, "Modifiers": [], "Diagnosis": [], "Charges": 100.0, "Units": 1.0, "Npi": null } ], "ReferringQualifier": null, "ReferringProviderFirstName": null, "ReferringProviderMiddleInitial": null, "ReferringProviderLastName": null, "ReferringProviderNpi": null, "ReferringProviderOtherId": null, "FacilityName": null, "FacilityNpi": null, "FacilityOtherId": null, "FacilityStreetAddress": null, "FacilityCity": null, "FacilityState": null, "FacilityZip": null, "ConditionRelatedToEmployment": false, "ConditionRelatedToAutoAccident": false, "ConditionRelatedToOtherAccident": false, "OutsideLab": false, "ResubmissionReferenceNumber": null, "PriorAuthorizationNumber": null, "AcceptAssignment": true, "PayerType": null, "CurrentIllnessDate": null, "UnableToWorkStart": null, "UnableToWorkEnd": null, "HospitalizationStart": null, "HospitalizationEnd": null, "OtherDate": null, "PriorPaidAmount": 0.0, "AdditionalClaimInformation": null } ]