IntakeQ Claims API

The IntakeQ Claims API is composed of HTTP endpoints that can be reached through a REST API.

Getting Started

To get started, you first need to enable API access (navigate to More > Settings > Integrations > Developer API). That’s also where you’ll find your API key, used to authenticate your HTTP calls.

  • Only the main account owner has access to the API tab.
  • Never expose your API key in plain text (config files, source control, etc.).
  • Consider setting an IP Allow-List as explained here.

Base URL

All endpoints are located under the following URL:

An example of a typical API call would look like this:



Every HTTP request needs to contain your API key embedded in an authentication header named X-Auth-Key.


GET All Claims for All Clients or Claims for a Specific Client

This method returns a list of claims. If clientId parameter is not passed, the method will return all claims for all clients


This method accepts the following query string parameters:

  • clientId (optional) – An integer used to identify the client. Leave blank to get claims for all clients
  • startDate (optional) – Returns only claims that were created after the specified date. Use the following date format: yyyy-MM-dd (ex.: 2016-08-21)
  • endDate (optional) – Returns only claims that were created before the specified date. Use the following date format: yyyy-MM-dd (ex.: 2016-08-21)
  • page (optional) – This method returns a maximum of 100 records. Use the page parameter to implement paging from your end. Use 1 for page 1, 2 for page 2, etc.

This method returns a JSON object representing an array of claims. This is what the response looks like:

        "Status": 0,
        "PatientFirstName": "xxxx",
        "PatientMiddleInitial": null,
        "PatientLastName": "xxxx",
        "PatientDateOfBirth": null,
        "PatientGender": null,
        "PatientStreetAddress": "",
        "PatientCity": null,
        "PatientState": null,
        "PatientZip": null,
        "PatientPhoneAreaCode": null,
        "PatientPhoneNumber": null,
        "PayerName": null,
        "PayerStreetAddress": null,
        "PayerCity": null,
        "PayerState": null,
        "PayerZip": null,
        "ClientRelationshipToInsured": null,
        "InsuredFirstName": null,
        "InsuredMiddleInitial": null,
        "InsuredLastName": null,
        "InsuredDateOfBirth": null,
        "InsuredGender": null,
        "InsuredStreetAddress": null,
        "InsuredCity": null,
        "InsuredState": null,
        "InsuredZip": null,
        "InsuredPhoneAreaCode": null,
        "InsuredPhoneNumber": null,
        "InsuredId": null,
        "InsuredGroupId": null,
        "InsurancePlanName": null,
        "PatientAccountNumber": "xx",
        "ProviderNpi": null,
        "ProviderFirstName": "xx",
        "ProviderLastName": "xx",
        "TaxId": null,
        "ProviderOtherId": null,
        "ProviderStreetAddress": null,
        "ProviderCity": null,
        "ProviderState": null,
        "ProviderZip": null,
        "ProviderPhoneAreaCode": null,
        "ProviderPhoneNumber": null,
        "Diagnosis": [
        "Procedures": [
                "Date": 1646398800000.0,
                "PlaceOfService": null,
                "Procedure": null,
                "Modifiers": [],
                "Diagnosis": [],
                "Charges": 100.0,
                "Units": 1.0,
                "Npi": null
        "ReferringQualifier": null,
        "ReferringProviderFirstName": null,
        "ReferringProviderMiddleInitial": null,
        "ReferringProviderLastName": null,
        "ReferringProviderNpi": null,
        "ReferringProviderOtherId": null,
        "FacilityName": null,
        "FacilityNpi": null,
        "FacilityOtherId": null,
        "FacilityStreetAddress": null,
        "FacilityCity": null,
        "FacilityState": null,
        "FacilityZip": null,
        "ConditionRelatedToEmployment": false,
        "ConditionRelatedToAutoAccident": false,
        "ConditionRelatedToOtherAccident": false,
        "OutsideLab": false,
        "ResubmissionReferenceNumber": null,
        "PriorAuthorizationNumber": null,
        "AcceptAssignment": true,
        "PayerType": null,
        "CurrentIllnessDate": null,
        "UnableToWorkStart": null,
        "UnableToWorkEnd": null,
        "HospitalizationStart": null,
        "HospitalizationEnd": null,
        "OtherDate": null,
        "PriorPaidAmount": 0.0,
        "AdditionalClaimInformation": null

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