Migrating from Luminello

Disclaimer: This guide is to help you import your Luminello data. If you have any difficulty downloading your data, it’s best to reach out to Luminello directly.

We Are Glad You Chose PracticeQ! 

Now that you have the tough decision-making step out of the way, let us help you migrate over your practice's data. Our helpful support team is here to ensure switching over is easy and to answer any questions that you have along the way. 

Our team will make sure you are able to get up and going quickly. There are some important things to note:

Features PracticeQ Luminello SimplePractice
User friendly EHR built with Psychs in Mind
Integrated ePrescribe
Integrated Labs Rupa + More Coming Soon!
HIPAA Compliant Tele-Health
Importable Assessment Library
Google Calendar Integration
Claims Submissions/ERA
Eligibility Checking Coming Soon!
Accepts CC Payments 2.9% + 30¢ per transaction 2.9% + 30¢ per transaction 3.15% + 30¢ per transaction
Auto-Charge Clients
Import Data from Prev EHR
Importable Customizable Note Templates
Pass Intake Info into Note
Patient Engagement App
Automated Appointment Reminders
Engaged Community
Custom Workflow Automations
Zoom and Google Meet Telehealth
Measurement Based Care Coming Soon!
Search All Intakes & Notes by Keyword
2-Factor Authentication

Setting the Stage

Luckily, Luminello allows you to export most of your data. Follow the step-by-step instructions which will help you get the most out of your export.
The below instructions are very important so please follow carefully.

What PracticeQ Can Import from Luminello

Send us a ticket at hello@intakeq.com to get you started on your data import.

  1. Client Demographics
    1. Follow this article if you want to view more information about uploading your client data yourself. Otherwise, send us an email and we'll get you started!
      1. https://support.intakeq.com/article/193-importing-clients
    2. Note: Any archived clients in Luminello will come over as active in PracticeQ so you will need to rearchive them.
  2. Charts
    1. Charts will need to be added by our team. Please make sure the charts are separated by client into separate folders so we can upload them quickly. 
    2. There is no need to rename the folder structure. We can adjust our import to work with the way Luminello exports the data.
  3. Appointments
    1. We give you the ability to upload a CSV of your appointment data. 
      1. Please follow this article for that:     
        1. https://support.intakeq.com/article/439-importing-appointments

Exporting Client Demographics and Charts from Luminello:

Luminello allows you to export client and chart data at the same time using their Data Export feature.

To export the client demographics and full chart history for your clinic, you can follow these steps:

  1. From the main dashboard in Luminell, click on "Practice.''
  2. Click on the ''Practice'' tab and then on ''My Downloads.
  3. Click on the "Practice Export" button to initiate the export process
  4. While the export is generating, the button will display "Generating Export," and you will see the filename listed with the status "Generating.
  5. Upon completion, the status will update to "Ready for Download" and you can click on the file name to download your export.
  6. Group owners can bulk export their practice data as shown here. Luminello provides a detailed exporting guide with visuals for reference.

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