PracticeQ Telehealth Options

PracticeQ offers two integrated solutions to support your remote video meetings:

This article will highlight the differences between each offering to help you determine which one works best for you.

PracticeQ Telehealth

PracticeQ Telehealth was developed by our team and is included with all PracticeQ (Practice Management) plans.
The main benefit in using our telehealth is that you won't require an external tool and your clients will not have to download and install any software, as everything runs on the browser.
Our telehealth has some limitations when compared to Zoom. We currently don't support group meetings or recordings. Local recording can be done using third-party software. Also take note that it is peer-to-peer through a web browser, which can cause some issues in certain internet connection environments.
Another thing to consider is that, even though things work 99% of the time, the occasional client may have technical difficulties making video calls work in the browser. These issues can happen for a variety of reasons, like when the client is on an old browser, fails to give permission to access the camera, etc. Most of these issues are resolved by asking the client to prepare before the video session. Since Zoom has their own application, the experience tends to be easier after the app is installed, as users don't have to deal with browser permissions.
To learn more about PracticeQ Telehealth, see this article:

Zoom Integration

With this option, you would use your own Zoom account and simply connect it with PracticeQ. For healthcare providers, Zoom's pricing varies, please visit for more information about their pricing. If you are not a healthcare provider, you could use the Basic, Pro or Business accounts (pricing here).

This option makes more sense for practices that have more than 5 practitioners, and prefer Zoom over IntakeQ Telehealth.
The following article shows how to integrate your Zoom account with PracticeQ:

Google Meet Integration

This telehealth option uses your connection with Google Calendar to schedule Google Meeting appointments with your clients. You'd need to have a specific type of account through Google, a G Suite account, to be HIPAA compliant. You can see more info about this here:
The following article shows you how to integrate our system with Google Meet:

Other Options

There are several other telehealth vendors out there and some of them can fit nicely into your PracticeQ workflow as long as they work based on URLs. You simply need to add the practitioner's URL to your appointment reminders and confirmation email templates. One of these vendors is

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