How to Have a Supervisor Sign a Note for a Trainee/Supervisee

How to Have a Supervisor Sign a Note for a Trainee/Supervisee

PracticeQ allows you to add signatures to your treatment notes on the fly, so a common question is how to allow a supervisor to easily review and sign off on treatment notes.  This is a common practice, and the system allows a few options for this.

This guide explains how to get supervisor signatures on practiceQ notes for trainees:

1. Supervisor is a Practitioner/Assistant (Automated):

Note: This workflow relies on the Task System:  Task Management and Automating the Task System:  Task Automation (Processes)

  1. Client Access: Supervisor needs access to client timeline. This can be achieved via the following ways:
    1. Supervisor is a practitioner who has access to the client, either manually or shared via 'More > Team > Roles > Can access all clients
    2. Supervisor is an assistant that has access to the practitioner that "owns" the client.
  2. Role Permissions:  Can View Treatment Notes, Can Unlock Notes, Can Lock Notes, Can view own Tasks, Can Edit Form templates 
    • Can Edit form templates is required to add a signature field 'on the fly'
    • If the setting 'Set advanced permissions per form' is enabled, make sure the specific treatment note is accessible
  3. Set Up: 
    1. Use the Task system for automation.
    2. Ensure that the Supervisor has the necessary permissions, including access to the client timeline, viewing, unlocking, and locking treatment notes, and editing form templates.
    3. Create a task named "Review and Sign Note for Supervisee"  under More > Processes with the client ID and Treatment Note link.
    4. Choose a due date for the task based on the Source Date or Creation Date.
    5. Assign to supervisor triggered by note lock (Supervisee, all notes).
    6. Assign the task to the Supervisor.
    7. Configure the task logic: 
      1. Trigger when the Note is Locked, for the Practitioner with the name of the Supervisee, and for all notes or specific templates.
    8. When the Supervisee locks a treatment note, a task is generated for the Supervisor, who can then review and sign the note using a signature field.
      1. Supervisor Workflow:
        1. When the Supervisee locks a treatment note, the system will generate a task for the Supervisor.  
        2. The supervisor can open the task, and easily access the client timeline or the Note.  
        3. When viewing the Note, the Supervisor can Unlock the treatment note, and edit the information as needed.  
        4. Once done, Add a signature field on the fly to the Note, sign and save/lock the note: Adding Attachments and Signatures to Existing Notes

2. Supervisor is External (Not a PQ Assistant/Practitioner):

This process is more manual, and requires that either the Supervisee or an assistant 'Request a Signature' from a 3rd party:  Secure Signature Requests

Once the Note has been fully filled out and saved/locked, and there are no further edits to be made, then the Supervisee or staff member can open the note, and request a Secure Signature Request > 3rd party > Enter the Doctor's name and email address.  You do not need to add a signature field to the template, the system will add and use a unique signature field when requesting a 3rd party signature.


  1. After filling out and locking the note, open it and request a Secure Signature from a 3rd party using Secure Signature Requests.
  2. Enter the Doctor's name and email address, and the system will add a unique signature field when requesting the 3rd party signature.
  3. Please note that once a Secure Signature is requested, the note becomes permanently locked and cannot be edited. Ensure that the note is complete before requesting any secure signatures.
  4. Note: The system adds a unique signature field and permanently locks the note after the request. Ensure it's complete beforehand.

Note: When requesting a Secure Signature, the note is permanently locked, and if a 3rd party signs the note, the note can no longer be edited in any way.  Make sure that the notes are fully completed before requesting any secure signatures.

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