Updating Service Prices for Scheduled Appointments

If you want to update the Service price on appointments that have already been scheduled, please follow the instructions below.

Updating All Upcoming Appointments

1. Go to Bookings > Booking Settings > Services tab > Edit Service

2. Update the Price on the service

3. Once the price has changed, you will see a checkbox that you can check which will update all the upcoming appointments with the new service fee. Make sure this is checked when you click the green "Save" button to have the new service fee apply to the existing appointments.

Note: If a DRAFT invoice has been created prior to the price change, the update will NOT update the draft invoice. It will ONLY update those appointments without a DRAFT invoice. You can delete those drafts and create new invoices with the new price.

Note: This checkbox ONLY updates with the service price set on the service settings. There is no way to update the upcoming appointments when a client's fee schedule is updated.

Updating Individual Appointments

If you want to update your appointments selectively, you can choose NOT to update all upcoming appointments by leaving the box unchecked. Then go into the appointment that you want to update and click the "Refresh Service" option under the "More" button.

This will allow you to update single appointments without having to update all upcoming appointments. 

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