ePrescribe: Inviting Supporting Users and Supervisors

The clinic admin can invite other prescribers, supporting users or supervisors, go to your ePrescribe settings.

Inviting Prescribers

  1. Choose the Practitioner you want to invite from the list and click the blue "Send Invite" button. This would send the practitioner an email for them to complete to sign-up process.
  2. If you don't want this practitioner prescribing, you would need to uncheck the 'Prescriber' checkbox 


Inviting Supporting Users

  1. Choose the Assistant you want to invite from the list and click the blue "Send Invite" button.
  2. This would send the assistant an email for them to complete the ePrescribe sign-up process.
  3. Supporting users do not need an ID.me account
  4. Once they are approved, they will have access to the 'Prescription' tab on the client profile and can queue up prescriptions for the prescribers by clicking the "+Add New Medication" button. Once the details of the script are given, they will get a button to "Queue to Provider for Approval".


Dashboard Widget - ePrescribe Queue

There is a dashboard widget practitioners can add to their dashboard that will display the queued up medications for the practitioner. 

  1. Go to the dashboard and click the "Edit Dashboard" button in the top right.
  2. Click "Dashboard Library"
  3. Choose the "ePrescribe Queue" widget and then the "X" in the top right
  4. Position the widget where you want it and then you can approve or deny the medications on your queue right from your dashboard!


Inviting Supervisors

  1. Supervisors WITH practiceQ Access
    1. Choose the Supervising Practitioner or Assistant on the ePrescribe settings to invite from the list and click the blue "Send Invite" button. 
    2. This would send the practitioner of assistant an email for them to complete to sign-up process.
    3. Once approved, you can make them a supervisor by having the admin go the to ePrescribe settings
    4. Click the "Manage Prescription App" button
    5. Click the name in the top right
    6. Scroll down to the Manage User List
    7. Choose the supervising user by scrolling right and clicking the Edit button
    8. Click the number 2 circle at the top for "Security"
    9. Make the user a "Supervisor"
  2. Supervisors WITHOUT practiceQ access
    1. You can add a supervisor by having the admin go to ePrescribe settings (More  > ePrescribe)
    2. Click the "Manage Prescription App" button.
    3. Click the "Add User" button in the top right-hand corner. 
    4. Choose the "Invite Supporting User" selection.
    5. Enter the info and click the blue "Send Invite" button.
    6. This will request the supervisor complete their registration via email.
    7. Once approved, you can make them a supervisor by having the admin go to ePrescribe settings again, (More > ePrescribe).
    8. Click the "Manage Prescription App" button.
    9. Click the name in the top right-hand corner (typically the admins)
    10. Click on settings in the dropdown list.
    11. Scroll down to the Manage User List (this list is located on the left-hand side of the screen, now that you are in the settings.)
    12. Choose the supervising user by scrolling right and clicking the Edit button
    13. Click the number 2 circle at the top for "Security".
    14. Make the user a "Supervisor".


How to Include Supervisors on Prescriptions

  1. Once the supervisor has been created, go to a client and prescribe a new medication
  2. From the Prescription Preview, click "No Supervisor Selected". Then, select the appropriate supervisor. 
  3. This selection should stick so it won't need to be selected next time.
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