ePrescribe: How to Prescribe a Medication

You can prescribe medications for your clients from the client profile on the "Prescriptions" tab.

From the Prescriptions tab, you can add new prescriptions, manage prescriptions and see a list of previously prescribed medications.

Required Fields

In order for your prescription to go through, there are some required fields that must be filled out. 

Prescribing New Medications

Once all of the required fields are completed, click the "Prescribe New Drug" button. The prescribing window will popup where you can search for drugs or look them up by category.


You will select the format for the prescription.

You can select from existing formats or create your own format for this prescription. 


Once the format has been chosen, you can input the following details about the prescription on the Prescription Details screen: 

  1. Quantities
  2. Directions
  3. Duration
  4. Insurance 
  5. Diagnosis
  6. Pharmacy
  7. Coupons/Benefits
  8. Other options


When you are done filling out this information, you can click the green "Send to Pharmacy" button or the "Queue to Provider for Approval" if you are not the prescriber.


Once a medication has been prescribed, it will show in the list as "Active":

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