ePrescribe: Titration Prescriptions

Titration of a medicine means increasing or decreasing the dose of a medication over a period of time. In PracticeQ, this can be accomplished by adding to the directions line for any medication.  

Note: Only single medications and strengths can be titrated per prescription.

Please follow this process to create a titration. Below you will find how to optionally STORE this created titration for future use for other patients.

  1. From a client's "Prescriptions" tab in their profile
  2. Click the green PRESCRIBE NEW DRUG
  3. Search for the medication you want to prescribe - we will use Celexa 20mg tablets in the example below
  4. Set the desired total quantity
  5. On the directions line, you have two options:

OPTION 1-FREE FORM SIG: Click CHANGE TO FREE FORM button on the directions line:

Next, write whatever titration directions you desire in the directions field (example in red below):

Option 2-STRUCTURED SIG: After selecting the medication, click OPTIONS on the directions line:

Next, select from the options drop-down ADD DIRECTION.  You can click this multiple times to add as many desired additional direction lines.  Note, you can remove any direction lines by clicking the trash can at the end of any row:

After clicking add directions twice, you get 3 directions lines as shown below.  You can change the quantity per line (see red below)  and you can set the conjunction between the lines (see yellow).  You can click the OPTIONS button for even more specific fields to be added to the directions you are creating.  

Saving a Custom Format (Titration): 

To save what you have created, simply click the SAVE CUSTOM FORMAT button on the Quantity bar prior to sending the prescription.  This will store this medication strength with the directions created for future use:

Final note: The above only addresses the SAME medication and the SAME strength and form of the drug (in the example above Celexa 20mg tablet.    If you need to create an order that has  Celexa 10mg tablets then Celexa 20mg tablets then Celexa 40mg tablets, you can either create three separate prescriptions using the ADD SPLIT feature or simply create three separate prescriptions with directions appropriate per prescription OR you could create a COMPOUND and simply label it as desired with the instructions for the titration on that order. 

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