ePrescribe: Prescription view options

ePrescribe: List View Options for Medications

The patient’s chart shows the prescriptions thast have been prescribed by users of the system. Every single individual prescription is recorded as a row on the patient history. Each row shows information related to the creation and send of that prescription.

When a medication is prescribed and then Represcribed, there are two distinct rows that are shown on the history. Users have the ability to the change view settings to filter what is viewable on the prescription history screen. 

The setting can be changed based on your personal preference. Some users like to see all prescriptions: this shows every single individual prescription that has been prescribed for the patient. Other users like to see just the last three months of prescriptions, only current medications or the last occurrence of a particular medication. All of these different views and more are available to every user. Please see the definitions of the different views below and how to change to them as well as how to set one as a default view when selecting a patient.

  • Click "Change View" to display other view options. 
    • (This will be temporary. Once you select a new patient, the view will go back to the default view.
    • If you would like to change the default view setting, click the settings button on the right side of the patient, history screen, and then check off the default view you would like to open to for all patients).

This button is also available on the Client's Prescription tab

View Options

Choose a different view and the list of prescriptions will update. 

View Options Description
All Prescriptions Shows all prescriptions written for a patient, except no DELETED prescriptions
Archived Shows all prescriptions with a status of Archived
Current Shows all prescriptions that have an expiration date set to CHRONIC  or any date greater than the day you change to this view
Last Current Shows a single instance of each prescription downb to the strength and form of the prescriptions that are current (crrent is defined as any expiration date set to Chronic or any date greater than the day you change to this view)
Last Prescription Shows a single instance of each prescription down to the strength and form that were last prescribed 
Expired Shows all medications with an expiration previous to the day you change to this view
Deleted Shows all medications manually DELETED 
Discontinued Show all medications with a status of Discontinued
Last 6 months Shows all medications in the last 6 months
Last 3 months Shows all medications in the last 3 months
Last 30 days Shows all medications in the last 30 days

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