ePrescribe: Record Medications but Not Prescribe

If you would like to record a medication but not prescribe it, follow the steps below. Any medication that is added as a current medication will be checked  for drug interactions against the patient's med list up until any recorded expiration dates. 

1. When prescribing a new drug from the clients "Prescription" tab

2. Search for and select the medication.


4. Set Current with Drug Name Only or Detail.

a . SET CURRENT WITH DRUG NAME ONLY: If you do not know the strength, you can select this option to record the drug name.

b. SET CURRENT WITH DETAIL: Choose this option if you know the strength and would like to record it along with the drug name.

a. Set Current with Drug Name

b . Set Current with Detail

5. Complete the "Expiration" and "Detail" fields as needed.

Expiration: Check the box for "Chronic" if the patient will be on the medication ongoing, or select an expiration date if the medication will be ending. (The drug-to-drug interaction checker will no longer check for this drug after the expiration date. If you would like this medication to always be checked for interactions against the patient's list, you can select "Chronic".)

1. Detail (Optional): Here, you can record who prescribed the medication as well as other comments. 

6. Then, click "SAVE". 

7. The medication will then be listed on the patient's prescription list.

Prescribe the Saved Medication

1. If you want to prescribe the medication later on, you can use this record as a starting point. You can select "REPRESCRIBE", and then the system will prompt you through adding the needed information. 

2. When the following box pops up, select "CONTINUE". 

3. Dosage: If you had not already selected a dosage, it will ask for that first. Select the correct strength. 

4. Format: Then, select a format. (You will still be able to edit this in the next step.)

5. Finish the script like normal

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