ePrescribe: Adding a Collaborating MD

If you are in a state that requires a collaborating MD to send in controlled substances for you, please follow the below instructions below about how to get them set up.You will essentially be adding anouther prescriber to your account.

Add the Collaborating MD as an Assistant

This will allow the MD to log into PracticeQ and Approve or Deny the medications from their Dashboard.

  1. Add the collaborating MD as an assistant by going to More > Teams
  2. Click the green "+ Add New Assistant" button

Add the MD to the ePrescribe Platform

Once the MD has accepted the Assistant Invite email, you can then invite them to the ePrescribe platform via the ePrescribe Settings page located under "More > Subscription > ePrescribe Settings"

  1. Click the blue "Send Invitation Email" button to invite the MD

  1. The MD will then need to accept this invite via their email.

To Enter the MD's Credentials in ePrescribe

Once the provider has MD is Scriptusre, it's time to add the credentials so your MD can prescribe. You will do this from inside the ePrescribe software

  1. Go to the ePrescribe Settings page (More > Subscription > ePrescribe Settings)
  2. Click the "Open Prescription App" button
  3. Click your name in the top right
  4. Click "Manage User List" in the navigation on the left
  5. Find the MD in the list and scroll right (Scrollbar at the bottom of the list or zoom out) to find the "Edit" button
    1. Under circle #2, change to Prescriber
    2. Under circle #4, Add the provider who will queue up the meds for the collaborating MD
    3. Under circle #7, Identification, enter the MD's credentials
    4. Under circle #8, click the "Core E-Prescribing" checkbox and the "Controlled Substances" checkbox on the left
  6. Click the "+ Request EPCS ALL" button near the top right
  7. Click "Register All Practices" to complete this step

Validating the MD's ID with ID.me

The MD will need to validate his identification. They can log into Scriptsure directly from here and it will prompt them to go through the ID.me process

Scriptsure Login

Note: They need to to any existing ID.me accounts if they have one and not create a new one.

Approving the Collaborating MD to do Controlled Substances

The original provider will have to approve the MD for EPCS, they will be prompted to approve them when they open the ePrescribe App.

  1. The fastest way to do this is to go to the ePrescribe Settings page (More > Subscription > ePrescribe Settings) and click the "Open Prescription App" button or go to any prescribable client's "Prescriptions" tab and click the blue "Mange Prescriptions" button.

Sending Medications to the Collaborating MD's Queue

Now it's time to queue up meds to the collaborating MD to approve. 

To do this:

  1. From the client's "Prescription" tab, click the green "Prescribe New Drug" button
  2. Important:
    1. Make sure you select the MD from the dropdown at the top as the Prescriber
  3. Choose the medication, dosage and format. 
  4. Enter all the details on the blue Prescription Preview page
  5. When it's time to send, at the bottom you will see a green "Queue to Provider for Approval" button
  6. Click this and it will send to the MD's queue for approval

Having the Collaborating MD Approve Medications

The collaborating MD can approve his queue in a few different ways. It's important to discuss these to find out what works best for them.

Approving From Scriptsure

  1. Have the collaborating MD log into Scriptsure directly. They will be presented with their queue upon login or they can click the "Queue" button at the top

Approving From the Client's Profile in PracticeQ

  1. The collaborating MD can approve the medication by going to the client's "Prescriptions" tab and click the "Approval Queue" button

Approving From the the PracticeQ Dashboard

The provider can also put a dashboard widget on their dashboard that will display their queue. Please follow these instructions on how to add the dashboard widget.

Adding the ePrescribe Providers' Queue dashboard widget to the dashboard

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